Sunday, October 07, 2007


The fluorescent light does save a lot of energy compared to the incandescent light bulb that Edison initially dreamed up. Once I fiddled with the exposure settings a bit, I was immensely pleased with the picture. There is something in the way a twisted piece of glass gives off light that invites you into its luminescent coils.

The incandescent light bulb - an energy hog, yet a testament to a thousand experiments that were aimed at illuminating people's lives. Edison truly made the night longer with this invention.


I was immediately drawn into the picturesque tranquility of this scene while I was driving by the lake. The picture has the character of belonging in an inspirational poster.

City by Night

This is the skyline of Milwaukee as seen at night from open water on Lake Michigan. The reflection of the skyline on the water is something I wanted to capture, but wasn't able to successfully.


A prominent Neon sign glows with the twilight sky as a backdrop. This picture has an eerie quality to it, in spite of it being in wide open public spaces.

Thursday, October 04, 2007


This picture is of an airplane tow that is used to back the plane out of its parking area and into the taxiway. It is pretty cool to see something that literally picks up the front end of an airplane every 35 minutes.

The Moon Makes Men Mad

The moon is probably the most pondered over heavenly object, and it hasn't spared me either


I found this python luxuriously resting in its own coils, showing none of the behaviors that classify this reptile as a fearsome predator.


This lioness may be a powerful predator, but I couldn't help imagining it as a mischievous overgrown cat, especially since she was sticking out her tongue at me.


This has to be the coolest, most regal creature on earth. I took this picture as this tiger was waking up from its afternoon siesta.


A small rabbit makes itself cozy in a pair of hands, drawing comfort and love from the owner of the hands.

Standing Tall

A clump of Arecca-Nut trees crowd around me as I take this picture of the monsoon sky. With the sun blocked out by the clouds, these trees threaten to block out the sky too.


A brief dry spell between the monsoon rains leaves this late blooming flower a little wet, yet colorful among all the greenery around.

Canine Eyes

The eyes, I believe are definitely the window to the soul. Regardless of whether they are human eyes or animal eyes. This picture represents something deeper than 'just' a dog. It brings out the inner animal, so to speak.


There's something really fascinating about driving in the rain. Never mind the reduced visibility and the the dangerous surface conditions. This picture was taken from the inside of my car, while driving in the rain.

Why did the Chicken Cross the Road

The title says it all. The moment i took this picture, I knew it would end up on this blog, and that it would be titled this way.


This little village road in Kerala shows just how steep the road is. It gets steeper up the hill, but I did not have a vantage point with a perspective to show the gradient. The house in the background establishes a vertical in this picture.


This picture was taken in between rains during the Indian monsoon season. All it is is a drainage channel by the side of a road, but I find water fascinating. The dance and the drama of water are unmatched by any other subject.

NH 47

National Highway 47, between Ernakulam and Thrissur. Technically, according to international standards, this is a one lane road. But Indians don't believe in wasting any resources, which means that this road occasionally becomes a four lane road, and on very rare occasions, it becomes a three lane road, all three going in the same direction. If you can drive in India, you can drive anywhere else in the world.


Kerala, as seen from the window of an Ambassador. For those who know the Ambassador, no additional explanation is needed. For those who don't, no words can capture the feeling.

Airplane Advisory

The contrast between the glossy finish of the decal and the textured seat back of this airline sight grabbed my attention. It also made me wonder if anyone actually reads this, though they definitely see it.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Although this picture is obviously of a lamp mounted on a wall, I cannot get the word 'sentinel' out of my head when I look at it. The lamp itself is beautifully created with a wrought iron frame and glass panels.


I took this picture of one tile among thousands on a wall of a swimming pool area. The level of detail that goes into making a single tile is amazing; though each tile seems inconsequential in itself, it lends to the beauty of the bigger picture. Something like humans I guess.

Monday, July 23, 2007


There seems to be nothing more child like than to be able to run into a colony of roosting seagulls, without having to worry about knowing if they will attack.

King of the Hill

Someone put some mighty effort into making a sandcastle that in all fairness looked amazing. Along come some kids and roughhouse around it, leaving the sandcastle no more. Though I didn't like seeing the sandcastle come down, I enjoyed the innocent fun the kids seemed to be having.

Brass Lampshade

This picture is of a lampshade that I found at a small pub. Little though the lampshade was, it seemed to brighten up the place by just being there.


These air tanks, valves and cylinders in this picture are part of a machine that I built. Air in a bottle never looked more beautiful to me.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Burning Up in Long Exposures

Railway Bridge

Dilapidation Finds Yet Another Home


Living the Life of a Forager


Nature's Fount

Rocky Shore

Not Ready for Sand Yet


Exploring Freedom from the Colony


Searching for the Nightlife


Enjoying Nature's Beauty


Directional Existentialism


An Ominous Presence

Stage Lights

Hot Enough to Glow

Friday, June 15, 2007